The ‘Fondazione Bianca Ballabio’ springs from the commitment of devoted parents Michela and Massimo to perpetuate the memory of their much beloved, lovely only daughter Bianca.


The ‘Fondazione Bianca Ballabio’ springs from the commitment of devoted parents Michela and Massimo to perpetuate the memory of their much beloved, lovely only daughter Bianca.
Bianca was twenty years old in 2019/2020 enrolled on her first year of Medical studies at the Medicine and Chirurgy University. On the 27th July, 2020 she completed all her exams ahead of the faculty year’s end after a long period of tireless and determined study. All attained during the global Corona Virus pandemic.
Bianca loved learning. Her overriding passion was for medicine’s welfare of others at the Medical Faculty she had chosen. With her own perseverance, personal commitment and determination to study and give she loved her vocation within the whole Faculty.
Tragically, five days after her last university exam, Bianca was the innocent victim of an accident caused by a car driver. Transferred by helicopter, in a coma, to the San Gerardo Hospital of Monza her battle for life would last nine days. On 11th August, 2020 Bianca died.
We, Bianca’s parents, Michela and Massimo, believe the first act Bianca would have wished for was that her organs be donated to help others. This was done.
Bianca was a straight forward, natural, open, happy young lady, always to be heard singing, with a bright smile for everybody. She loved her life.
Her premature death leaves a huge void which necessitates something key she would be proud of to help others – Medicine – her first love after family and friends.
It is with this shared passion that, we, Bianca’s loving parents have worked to create and donate ‘Fondazione Bianca Ballabio’ to help others as she would have wished.
A medical charity holding dear the name Bianca Ballabio and her memory always.


The “Fondazione Bianca Ballabio” – a constant life beacon of Bianca whose life was prematurely snatched away.
The founders’ desire a way of creating Bianca’s life dreams and aspirations -giving living opportunities now on to others – which have been cruelly robbed from her.
Bianca the youthful, enthusiastic medical student was a keen traveller who enjoyed soaking up peoples’ different cultures round the world; including educational youth exchanges.
The intention of the Fondazione Bianca Ballabio is that to support important opportunities as intercultural exchanges and internships within the field of Medical Science and studies. This aim is ‘Tailored’ specifically to young Doctors, Medical internship students, PhD students and Medical students nearly specialised who have economic hardship to overcome to complete their practical and theory studies in foreign Universities, Hospitals or leading Institute of Medical Researches.
In order for the individual(s) student(s) to enjoy/benefit from a finacially secure time in which to be able to make detailed study abroad.
Those wishing to be candidates should apply at the time of the Fondazione Bianca Ballabio’s annual announcement. They should explain their field of inquiry to a Judging Committee. The Judging Committee will consider all applications carefully and sympathetically. Evaluating the candidate they consider will be most worthy and who may gain most from the opportunity the available funds will offer the chosen recipient to complete their inquiry studies/specialisation.
The chosen annual recipient will be announced publicly.
The annual recipient (she or he) will commit to provide, upon completion of their studies, a report – showing their own honest, proven scientific results deriving from this exceptional period of support. Support to give them time to enjoy medical research/practice abroad. Benefitting themselves as well as
This will keep selfless young medical student – Bianca Ballabio in everybody’s mind.
Parallel with this solid tree of Fondazione Bianca Ballabio, there will be associated by the foundation other ventures of social and human promotions as capitals drive to be used for other specifical charity in the medical fields aimed to the same wish to remind Bianca and her Foundation.” Bianca’s – Fondazione Bianca Ballabio – helping others.


The vision of “Bianca Ballabio Foundation” is merely that to “help” who and what helps us everyday with great dedication and sacrifice; our doctors and everything revolving around them. Therefore, “donate” in order to create unique opportunities that can expand and materialize experiences of excellence in the medical field for those who practice or aspire to exercise this noble profession and for our medical and scientific institutions.

“Real generosity towards the future lies in giving all to the present.”

Albert Camus

Completed Projects – 2024

Il germoglio di Bianca

Progetto sostenuto dalla Fondazione degli Ospedali grazie al contributo dei Lions Club “Carroccio”, “Host” e “Fondazione Bianca Ballabio”. La Donazione che supera i 50 mila euro è rivolta a favore della realizzazione di speciali innovazioni per nuove Sale parto presso l’Ospedale di Legnano e sarà pronta tra due mesi.

  • The project “Bianca’s Bud,” launched in 2021, is evolving this year into “Bianca’s Bud GROWS…” with the donation of two labor and delivery beds and a state-of-the-art ultrasound machine delivered to the Gynecology and Obstetrics department of Legnano Hospital on July 30, 2024. In memory of our young Bianca, the project was made possible thanks to contributions from the Quattro Ospedali Foundation (Dr. Norberto Albertalli), the Lions Clubs “Legnano ...

Completed Projects – 2023

Il germoglio di Bianca

Progetto sostenuto dalla Fondazione degli Ospedali grazie al contributo dei Lions Club “Carroccio”, “Host” e “Fondazione Bianca Ballabio”. La Donazione che supera i 50 mila euro è rivolta a favore della realizzazione di speciali innovazioni per nuove Sale parto presso l’Ospedale di Legnano e sarà pronta tra due mesi.

  • On December 5, 2023, the University of Insubria in Varese – Department of Medicine and Surgery – officially announced a scholarship for research activities donated by the Bianca Ballabio Foundation. The title of this scholarship is “Bianca Ballabio Foundation Scholarship: The Role of Technological Innovation and Minimally Invasive Techniques in Improving Outcomes in the Field of Surgery.” The recipient of this scholarship is Dr. Alessia Girlando. The research activities w...

  • On December 5, 2023, a scholarship for research activities, donated by the Bianca Ballabio Foundation, was officially announced by the University of Insubria in Varese – Department of Medicine and Surgery. The title of this scholarship is “Bianca Ballabio Foundation Scholarship: The Role of Technological Innovations and Diagnostic-Therapeutic Techniques in Improving Outcomes in the Field of Medicine.” The winner of this scholarship is Dr. Serena Gregori. The research activities...

  • In December 2023, the “Bianca Ballabio” Annual Prize Scholarship at the University of Sassari (Department of Medicine and Surgery) was again awarded by Rectoral Decree to the best student of the academic year attending Bianca. The scholarship donated by the Bianca Ballabio Foundation will be annual and is worth 3,000 euros. This year the scholarship was awarded to Aurelia Plossi as the best student of the academic year of Medicine and Surgery 2022/2023....

  • On Sunday, November 5, 2023, the Mayor of Legnano, Lorenzo Radice, officially awarded the Civic Merit to our Bianca Ballabio Foundation. This honor was in recognition of the projects accomplished in the health and social care fields, the scholarships provided to students and researchers, and the innovations at the Legnano Hospital, all tangible signs of our commitment to community care and service. This represents a significant recognition of the seriousness and hard work of our foundation....

Completed Projects – 2022

Il germoglio di Bianca

Progetto sostenuto dalla Fondazione degli Ospedali grazie al contributo dei Lions Club “Carroccio”, “Host” e “Fondazione Bianca Ballabio”. La Donazione che supera i 50 mila euro è rivolta a favore della realizzazione di speciali innovazioni per nuove Sale parto presso l’Ospedale di Legnano e sarà pronta tra due mesi.

  • At the end of December 2022 the ‘Bianca Ballabio’ Annual Prize Scholarship at the University of Sassari (Department of Medicine and Surgery) was once again awarded by Rectoral Decree to the best student of the academic year attending Bianca. The scholarship donated by the Bianca Ballabio Foundation will be annual and is worth 3,000 euros. This year the scholarship was awarded to Chiara Mazzafoglia as the best student of the academic year of Medicine and Surgery 2021/2022....

  • The prestigious project of the year 2022 ‘Bianca’s Hands‘ was supported by the Bianca Ballabio Foundation together with the participation of the ‘Insubria University‘ and ‘Credit Agricole Italia‘.The donation, worth over €90,000, consisted of the purchase of an innovative laparoscopic simulator called ‘LapSim‘. This innovative machine is produced by the famous company Surgical Science Sweden and is currently only available at three other Ital...

Completed Projects – 2021

Il germoglio di Bianca

Progetto sostenuto dalla Fondazione degli Ospedali grazie al contributo dei Lions Club “Carroccio”, “Host” e “Fondazione Bianca Ballabio”. La Donazione che supera i 50 mila euro è rivolta a favore della realizzazione di speciali innovazioni per nuove Sale parto presso l’Ospedale di Legnano e sarà pronta tra due mesi.

  • The “Il Germoglio di Bianca” project, in memory of Bianca Ballabio, was supported by the Hospital Foundation thanks to the contribution of the Legnano Carroccio and Legnano Host Lions Clubs and obviously by the Bianca Ballabio Foundation.  The donation that exceeds € 50.000 is aimed at the creation of innovative and state of the art new delivery rooms (four special showers for labor and water birth) at the Legnano Hospital and will be active from summer 2021. The four showers have be...

  • On 5th August 2021 a scholarship for research activities has been officially published by the Insubria University of Varese.The title of this scholarship is “Bianca Ballabio Foundation Scholarship: the role of noninvasive surgical techniques in improving the quality of life”The research activity will take place at the prestigious “Karolinska Institut” Medical University in Solma, Sweden.Scholarship donation value of the foundation is 7.500 euros....

  • On 16th December 2021 the annual “Bianca Ballabio” award scholarship at the University of Sassari (Medical and Surgery) has been officially published and assigned to the best student of the same academic year of Bianca. The annual scholarship has a value of 3.000 euro and it has been assigned, this year, to Valentina Canu as best student of the Academic Year 2021/2022....

Fondazione Bianca Ballabio is set up at the Fondazione Italia per il Dono (FIDO), the first philanthropic intermediary able to operate throughout the country and abroad.

Donating is simple, immediate and safe.

By selecting the “Donate Now” button you can make your donation by bank transfer or check to the current account of the FIDO Foundation, online by credit card and by postal order.

Each donor will have the opportunity to take advantage of a tax benefit whose value can vary from 30% of the amount donated.

After making your donation you will receive an email from FIDO with all the details.

Monitoring Organisation

Massimo Ballabio


Michela Bonzi

Vice President

Scientific Committee

Prof. Andrea Imperatori

University Associate Professor of Thoracic Surgery - Head Center of Thoracic Surgery - Dept. of Medicine and Surgery - University of Insubria

Dott. Fabio Ceriani

Hospital Responsible General Surgery
Multimedica Santa Maria Castellanza Hospital

Dott. Ernesto Morlacchi

Specialist in Vascular Surgery
Multimedica Santa Maria Castellanza Hospital

“Love is our resistance”


Remembering Bianca

ASD Tennis Time - 2022

In 2022, ASD Tennis Time, led by Paolo Zingale, organised the ``Championship`` tournament as part of the annual Christmas tradition. This tournament, in which Bianca always participated, saw its proceeds generously donated to the ``Fondazione Bianca Ballabio``. The winners were honoured in a touching award ceremony. Thank you once again from the whole Bianca Ballabio Foundation!

Starpadel Legnano

The staff of Starpadel Legnano decided to organise an amateur padel tournament between women in May entitled 'In memory of Bianca', the proceeds of which will be generously donated to the Bianca Ballabio Foundation

ASD Tennis Time - 2021

ASD Tennis Time of our dear friend Paolo Zingale wanted to dedicate the ``Championship`` tournament, which is organized every Christmas, to Bianca. Bianca always participated in this tournament. The proceeds of the tournament of € 1200 was donated to the ``Bianca Ballabio Foundation`` with a moving award ceremony for the winners of the tournament. Thank you ASD Tennis Time!

Starpadel Legnano

Starpadel Legnano organized on December 16 another charity tournament ``Per non dimenticare Bianca``. The proceeds of the tournament were generously donated to the ``Bianca Ballabio Foundation``. Thank you Starpadel Legnano!

Rotary Club Castellanza

On February 24, the Rotary Club ``Castellanza`` dedicated a meeting at the RovedaLab to the Bianca Ballabio Foundation where we told in summary what it is and how the foundation was born. The member Luca Roveda, that we thank very much, has destined the proceeds of the evening of 1230€ to the foundation.

ASD Tennis Time - 2020

Paolo Zingale's ASD Tennis Time wished to remember their pupil and friend Bianca on their new precious bus for their competitive tennis trips. ``Protecting him in the great adventures is our angel Bianca Ballabio, who from up there, with her fuchsia wig, tenderly accompanies us and crosses our hearts,`` are the words of our dear friend Paolo.


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